Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Curriculum Update...

Hello Parents, 
This will be our focus for the next month or so in each of the subject areas...

Image result for images of family clip art
Gr. 2 - We Belong is the theme in grade 2.  We begin by examining all of the different groups/families that we are an important part of and belong to and look at the different relationships we have with people in our lives.  We will also learn to recognize the special gifts and talents that we were given that make us special and how we are encouraged to share these gifts and talents with others.
Image result for images of holy spirit clip art

Gr. 3 - In the Spirit is the theme of grade 3.  We start by asking ourselves "What IS the Holy Spirit"?  We will learn about the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control) and try to catch the Holy Spirit in action in our everyday lives.
Image result for images of reading clip art
Language: Language is taught whole group with the expectation assessed according to each grade curriculum expectations.
Gr. 2/3:

  • Author's Purpose (P.I.E.=persuade/inform/entertain)
  • Image result for images of author's purpose pie
  • Using our SCHEMA to activate our knowledge before reading
  • Reading comprehension strategies:  Visualizing / Activating Prior Knowledge / Predictingnections
  • Weekly Spelling
  • Word Study:  Weekly word study on patterns in words to assist us with spelling and meaning
  • Mentor Texts:  A medium through which to introduce/reinforce reading comprehension strategies
  • Daily small-group (4-5) guided reading instruction at appropriate reading level of child
  • Writing:  
  • Makings Lists, Brainstorming ideas using a graphic organizer (WEB), writing letters, Writing complete sentences using all four types of sentences (Statements, Questions, Commands and Exclamatory sentences)
  • Independent Reading Stamina is built - Students learn how to work up to 20 minutes of independent reading engaged in an appropriate at-level reading selection of their choice.

Image result for images of math clip artMath: 
Gr. 2:

  • Reading and printing numbers to 20
  • Representing numbers to 100
  • Representing numbers using base ten blocks
  • Composing and Decomposing 2-digit numbers
  • Counting forwards and backwards to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, and 25s from different starts
  • Rounding numbers to nearest 10
  • Place Value

Gr. 3:

  • Reading and writing numbers to 100
  • Reading/representing/comparing/ordering numbers to 1000 using base ten blocks
  • Counting forward and backwards by 2s, 5s, 10s, 25s, and 100s to 1000
  • Rounding numbers to the nearest 100
  • Place value
  • Addition and Subtraction strategies
  • Standard Addition and subtraction with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers
Image result for images of structures clip artImage result for images of simple machinesScience:  Science and Social Studies will alternate.  There are four strands of Science and 2 Strands Social Studies.  We will begin with Science.
Gr. 2 - Structures and Mechanisms:  
Simple Machines
Gr. 3 - Structures and Mechanisms:
 Strong and Stable Structures

Arts: Art is taught whole group and assessed by grade expectations.  Each term, students will be assessed in 3 of 4 areas of art:  Visual Arts, Music, Dance and Drama.  This term, we will be learning...
    Image result for images of  art clip artImage result for images of dance clip art
  • Visual Arts: Warm and cool colours, types of lines, fine art skills
  • Music:  Students will learn to play notes A, B, and G on the recorder and accompany simple songs
  • Dance:  Students will explore a wide range of dance styles and create and develop short dance movements

That is all for now,

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What do we call the words to a song?