Friday, September 30, 2016

Class Mass Pictures

Dear Parents,
This upcoming week, here's what to expect...

Image result for images of Terry Fox Run clip art
Monday - Our rescheduled Terry Fox Run/Walk around the school.  Please ensure that your child comes to school with appropriate foot wear to be walking a fair distance outside.  Our class will be buddied up with an older grade and walk together.  Hopefully, the rain will stay away for a while!

Wednesday - Language Test, students will be assessed on how to identify, name and write the four types of sentences.  Please review yellow language duo tang Monday and Tuesday night.  We should be good to go for this test, as we have done quite well on weekly quizzes!

I'll leave you with some great photos to enjoy from our Mass!

That's all for now,

Coach Wilson
SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name of our parish priest?

Enjoy some beautiful pictures from our classroom family mass on Friday...