Wednesday, September 07, 2016

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Dear Parents,

Great to see everyone BACK for another day!!  That must mean my players weren't frightened off by me on day one!

We had an excellend start to Gr. 2/3 yesterday!  Thank you to those parents who diligently completed their homework early!  Reminder, all homework (white form and yellow sheet for blog permission) is due this Friday.

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Every Friday I hold a blog draw where students can win a prize from my prize box.  To do this, you the parents, must read my blog and answer the secret question posted at the end of some of my blogs. Write the correct answer in your child's agenda and your child will earn a blog draw ticket for every answer!  Yes, this is one way to ENCOURAGE parents to read my blog!  Sign up for instant notifications if you haven't already by entering your email in the FOLLOW BY EMAIL heading to the right of this blog!


Don't panick...the first day of school, the players on Team Wilson co-created a list of success criteria on how to have a successful first week of school.  Together we brainstormed these key points...

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  • Arrive to school on time 8:45 - 9:00am
  • Enter the school/classroom calmly and quietly
  • Bring agenda to class daily
  • Follow directions, rules and routines without reminders
  • Participate actively by raising your hand
  • Pack up quickly and quietly at the end of the day
  • Be respectful of peers and teacher
Students will earn an E=Excellent, G=Good job, S=Satisfactory or an N/I=Needs Improvement for each of the above criteria.  Feel free to ask your child about how he/she is doing in these areas so there are no surprises!  So far, most students are demonstrating exemplary behaviour in most areas!

Coach Wilson
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SECRET QUESTION:  What is Coach Wilson's first name?