Friday, September 30, 2016

Dear Parents,

Image result for images of change of schedule clip art
Today, Friday, we will be replacing our scheduled Language Test with a Language Quiz.  Our final test on Sentences will be next week.  The expectation is that students will be able to write the four kinds of sentences with appropriate punctuation.  Today's quiz will be very similar to last weeks assessment for practice. Yellow Language duo tangs will be sent home next week for review prior to the test.

Image result for images of church mass clip artI am very excited for our class Mass today with Fr. Tony.  Our team has been working hard practising and we are all looking forward to any parents wishing to attend!  Mass begins at 1:00pm today in our classroom.  It will last approximately 1 hour.

Image result for images of students in pajamas clip artLoonie License Day went EXTREMELY WELL!  I am thrilled with the donations that our players brought in!  We raised $71.00 from our class alone for the Terry Fox Foundation!  Thank you for your generosity!  Students enjoyed chewing gum, sitting next to a friend, wearing PJs and hats and having a toy on their desks!

That's all for now,

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 23 rounded to the nearest ten?