Monday, September 19, 2016

Image result for images of monday clip artDear Parents,

HOMEWORK:  Tonight your child is coming home with a workbook titled THRoW for a reading response to complete by Thursday (only because Friday is a PD day).  It will include a short 1-page story for your child to read and respond to.  Students are to read the story and identify if the text is Fiction or Non-Fiction and explain why using the features below...I modelled what the homework should look like on the first two pages.  Please follow closely. Use a ruler and red pen for underlining.

If the text is Fiction, students should find it has ... 
Image result for images of clip art fiction
  • characters
  • setting
  • problem
  • solution.

If the text is Non-Fiction, students will see that is might have ...
Image result for images of clip art non-fiction
  • facts and information
  • photographs
  • subtitles
  • captions
  •  labels
  • labelled diagrams
  • key points
  • charts
I expect the students to properly set up the page with a title, date and skipping lines for easier reading as I modelled on the first two pages of their THRoW books.  Please have your child underline using a ruler and red pen.

Image result for images of quizzes clip artLanguage Quiz:  Thursday, we will have a short quiz on the 4 types of sentences, how to write a sentence, how to begin a sentence with a capital letter and end with the appropriate punctuation.  I will send home our language duo tangs for review on Wednesday night.

That's all for now!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is Mrs. Wilson's son's name?