Monday, September 12, 2016

Dear Parents,

Image result for images of children celebration clip art
       What a terrific first week of our school year!  Hopefully, your child has told you ALL about our first week of school.  Here is some help for you...I have explained to students that it is good practise to tell parents about 5 things that have happened during the course of our day.  So, feel free to ask your child over dinner what he/she did at school each day! You should never hear the response "nothing"! Our days are packed with excitement, so ask away!  We want you to be heavily involved with your child's learning!

First Week Progress Reports: Hopefully, you have all received your child's First Week Progress Report in their agendas on Friday!  I am very proud of the efforts my players have put into making this year a positive one!  Please sign and return those progress reports so your child can file it into their ongoing portfolios.

Take Home Reading Program: Your child has been assigned a black take home reading pouch that contains 2 books from my personal library.  Students understand that the expectation for reading EVERY NIGHT is ....
Gr. 2 - a minimum of 15 minutes a night
Gr. 3 - a minimum of 20 minutes a night
This is in addition to regularly assigned homework.  I also ask you to support me by ensuring your child takes good care of the books on loan to them as well as follow up that they are reading and exchanging books on a need-be basis.  This is an independent reading program, so change books whenever you need to, and try to encourage your child to read a wide variety of genres to get exposure to all kinds of authors and reading.  Happy Reading!
Image result for images of gym shoes clip art
Image result for images of remindersPlease send in a pair of INDOOR ONLY shoes at your earliest convenience.  These shoes will also serve as your child's gym shoes, so the best kind to buy is a running shoe with white soles (so as not to mark up the floors).  Thank you!

Image result for images of The Great Pencil Challenge

Last week, Team Wilson began The Great Pencil Challenge.  Let's see who can keep track of their sports pencil the longest!  This will hopefully teach the students to keep their supplies organized and easily retrievable!  So far, EVERYONE is still in the challenge!  Let's see about this week...

That's about enough now... I will post again on Wednesday or so with our curriculum focus for each subject area.  Thanks for loaning your BEAUTIFUL children to me this year!  I am really enjoying getting to know ALL of them!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What game did we play on Friday to help us learn the names of our body parts in French?