Monday, May 01, 2017

Hello Parents and Players!
Image result for images of anti bullying clip art
This morning the grades 3-8 enjoyed a powerful anti-bullying presentation in our gym put on by Abbey Neves.  Ask your child about it, it was very moving!  Her challenge to us all is to choose the path that allows us all to be US, who God made rather than someone else.

This week:  

Swim to Survive logo 291Tuesday - (TOMORROW!) SWIM TO SURVIVE Part One of Three - Grade 3s travel to Windsor Aquatic Centre for their first of three Swim to Survive visits.  Have fun!

Image result for images of recordersRECORDERS:  Reminder to bring your recorders EVERY FRIDAY from now until the end of the year.  Music will be on Fridays so please ensure your child has packed his/her recorder Thursday night before school on Friday.

LANGUAGE QUIZ: This Friday, we will be having a quiz on Nouns / Adjectives / Verbs / Adverbs / Plurals.

MATH TEST: This Thursday, we will have our unit end test on Probability.  Please review this week.  I will send home the booklet in your child's agenda.  It isn't in the blue math duo tang, it is a stapled package.

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Friday - Catholic Education Week Mass in our school gym at 1:30 pm .  All are welcome!

Coach Wilson

Secret Question:  
What is 9 x 5?