Thursday, May 04, 2017

Image result for images of musicals clip artHeads up Grade Two Parents,
     I am sending home a permission form to attend a musical for the GRADE TWOs ONLY.  One of our grade 2 students is performing in it and we are going to support him and enjoy his talent!  The cost is $7.00 per student.  Please sign and return permission forms as soon as possible with $7.00.
Image result for images of musicals clip art
Date:  Friday, May 26th
When:  9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Where:  Old Walkerville Theatre Company
What:  Musical:  "Princess Aplenty"
Cost:  $7.00 / student

There is no cover letter accompanying this permission form.  I am only blogging about it.  Thank you for your cooperation!

SECRET QUESTION:  What type of movement best describes a pancake does a pancake typically do in a frying pan to get both sides cooked?  Turn / Flip / Slide?

Coach Wilson