Sunday, May 21, 2017

Image result for images of EQAO testingImage result for images of EQAO testing

EQAO - Yes, EQAO begins this Tuesday!  Hopefully, you were able to see the kind of practice work we have been working on throughout the year over the weekend.  Students do not have to complete the work I send home Friday,  I just told them to show you to give you all an idea of what the test will look like.  Please return Tuesday.  We are super excited to show what we already know on this grade three assessment!  Students are MORE than prepared!  Please try to make every effort to make sure your child arrives to school on time (8:45 am) for the next 6 school days.  Testing will take place as follows...

9:00 - 10:30 - Tuesday, May 23- Language Book A
9:00 - 10:30 - Wednesday, May 24 - Language Book B
9:00 - 10:30 - Thursday, May 25 - Math Section 1
9:00 - 10:30 - Friday, May 26 - Math Section 2
9:00 - 10:30 - Monday, May 29 - Language Book C
9:00 - 10:30 - Tuesday, May 30 - Language Book D

Testing will begin promptly at 9:00 am.  Some suggestions for a good start to each day...

  • Get enough sleep by going to be on time
  • East a healthy breakfast to get their brains fueled up!  I promised the students that I would be bringing in some yummy snacks from Costco each day!  Oddly, this seemed to pump them up!
  • Give positive words of encouragement to your child each day!
Thank you for scheduling all appointments outside of the times for the next week and a half. We appreciate your cooperation!
Image result for images of leaders in kindergarten  clip art

The grade 2 students will be acting as leaders/helpers in the JK/SK rooms during these times.  Otherwise, after 10:30, it is business as usual.  The grade twos are very excited to be 'leaders'!

Image result for images of swim to surviveSwim to Survive is officially over! You all should have received your child's Swim to Survive Certificate last week stating whether they achieved the Swim to Survive Safety Standards or Did Not Yet Achieve the Swim to Survive Safety Standards.  If your child did not meet the standards, it is highly recommended that you enroll them in swimming lessons as a precautionary measure.  It could mean the difference of saving a life!

Image result for images of 30 degrees celsiusGrade 2s - This week will be busy...there will be a Math test on Thursday and a Science Test on Friday.  WOW test will also be on Friday as usual.  I will send home the information that needs to be reviewed for 2 days before each test.

That's about all for now!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the approximate temperature of a hot summer day?