Monday, May 08, 2017

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a chance to get outdoors this weekend to enjoy some of the sun!

This week...
Image result for images of swimming to survive
Tuesday- Swim to Survive for the Grade 3s.  This is our 2/3 visit.  Remember to bring a plastic bag again for your wet clothes.

Wednesday - MATH TEST Students should review their math duo tang tonight and tomorrow night and make sure they can ...

Gr. 2:

    Related image
  • identify movements such as slides, flips and turns
  • Move on a grid using left, right, up and down
  • locate and read coordinates on a grid using the across axis first, then the up axis
  • complete figures to create symmetrical designs
  • draw lines of symmetry through symmetrical objects
  • follow directions using position words such as over, on top of, under, around, next to, beside
Gr. 3:
    Image result for images of reflections or turns in math clip art
  • Move on a grid specifying how many units up, down, left or right
  • identify and describe movements such as flips (reflections), slides (transitions), and turns (rotations)
  • Use correct tools/manipulatives (coffee filters, miras, squares on grids) to aid in identifying turns, flips and slides
  • show rotations (turns) on a clock showing the movement with jumps
  • label turn centres on turns or rotations
  • label the reflection line or mirror line on flips or reflections
Image result for symmetry in squaresThat's all for now...

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION: How many lines of symmetry does a square have?