Saturday, April 01, 2017

Social Studies Google Slides Presentations: 
First of all, BRAVO to Lea, Emily and Jocelyn for grabbing the bull by the horns by volunteering to present first on Thursday!  Terrific start!  I gave written feedback right on their slide presentations in the comments section.  Please read. I will also send home the hard copy of the rubric for parents to sign.  I hope you parents were as impressed as I was at their ability to navigate mytools2go using Google Classroom and Google Slides!  By the time these students reach grade 6 they will be presenting professionals!  Presentations will continue Monday.

Image result for images of verbs in actionThis week...
Monday - Review Math for test on Tuesday. Homework this week is THRoW.  This will be the third time for writing a Compare/Contrast Paragraph.  This should be their best one yet with all of the feedback given in the past two!  Looking forward to reading them!  Remember, you can compare and contrast ANYTHING from people to places to sports or anything two things you want!  Try to brainstorm really good similarities and differences to make it interesting.

Image result for images of dental screeningThursday -   Gr. 3 Trip to St. Clair for Dental Hygiene Screening/Education.  Mrs. Ferrato and Mr. Dennis will chaperone all of the grade 3s for a morning-only session at the College.  All students will attend, but only those who gave written consent will be screened.
Image result for images of verbs in action

Friday - Language quiz on verbs (including nouns/adjectives/plurals)

That's about all for now...

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Harmonie brings in 3 fun board games.  If all 21 students in our class are divided up equally into three groups, how many students will play each game?