Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dear Parents and Players,

Some students who did not complete their IN CLASS work (work that should have been completed in the given time) have some catch up work to do this weekend.  Please check your child's agenda to see if he/she is in need of completing their math work.  Thank you for your support in this!

Related imageThe students really enjoyed learning about the Easter Story through symbols.  Ask your child to retell the Easter Story to you and your family over this Easter Weekend.  I told each student to watch for these symbols during the Easter Sunday mass. Of course, the highlight of today, was likely the Chocolate Easter Egg hunt we enjoyed in the afternoon!  Each child had to seek out 10 chocolate hidden eggs each in our classroom!  It was chaos, but a lot of fun!  I am sure we will be finding left over eggs in the weeks to come!

May you all enjoy some quality family time this blessed Easter Weekend! 
See you all on TUESDAY!
Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What was in the final egg of the Easter Story?