Monday, March 27, 2017

Related imageDear Parents and Players,

            Language books did not make it home last week, but I WILL be sending them home today or tomorrow for your review!  Please sign rubric and return tomorrow.

THRoW:  Last week was the first time students were assigned a Compare/Contrast paragraph.  I marked them and gave some feedback.  Please read over with your child before beginning this week's paragraph.  Remember to begin with a Venn diagram to organize your thinking.  Then write a stoplight paragraph following my format that is glued inside your child's THRoW books.
Image result for images of division
MATH:  Tests on Fractions are coming home tonight to be signed and returned tomorrow. We are going to be doing a brief unit on Division (as we already learned about multiplication).  This is a very brief unit and will be assessed on Monday of next week, since this Friday is a PD day...  I will send the Math duo tangs home with you this weekend in place of The Great Poetry Race.  This unit will be a combination of three smaller units to attain an overall mark for Number Sense:  Fractions / Multiplication and Division / Money.


Image result for images of oral health care clip artThere is a field trip that will be taking place on April 6th, 2017 for the GRADE 3s only.  Our school was selected to travel to St. Clair College for a dental health screening.  THIS IS OPTIONAL. Whatever you decide, please complete BOTH forms; one is for the school bus trip for our school and the second is for consent to participate in the screening.  Return at your earliest convenience.  ALL FORMS must be returned completed.  Those who are not participating will still attend and enjoy instruction on oral health care.

I will be staying back at the school with my grade 2s.  Mrs. Ferrato and Mr. Dennis will be attending with my 3s.  This is an AM only field trip.  We will be back at school by 12:00pm.

Image result for images of no schoolPD Day this Friday - No School

It is a professional development day.

Coach Wilson

Secret Question:  What is 10 divided by 2?  That means, 10 equally divided into 2 groups, how many in each group?