Wednesday, April 12, 2017

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Grade 3 Social Studies
Test on Living and Working in Ontario

Some students did not take home their Social Studies book last night for review.  I used my morning period to spend reviewing with them to make up for it. We also worked on it during Social Studies time as well. Tonight, students should be reviewing everything in their green duo tangs with a focus on the following...

  • Know what continent, country, province, land region, county, city and municipality they live in.
  • Be able to describe all three lang regions: The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands, The Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands in detail.
  • Identify what businesses and activities belong to which land region
  • Identify and describe the 6 uses of land in Ontario and give examples of each
  • Name three things you learned using Google Slides Ex. How to import images, import picgifs, change background colour, change fonts of text, add text boxes for text, how to share with teacher, commenting)
  • Levelled Question (means needs a lot of detail) "  Which land region would you like to live in one day?".  Students should select one, write about the jobs they could find there, what they could do there for recreation, places they could go, etc.

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We have been learning about the Easter Story in a fun and interactive way this week.  Each day, we link up with a partner and search for 4 hidden plastic eggs  in our classroom that each contain a significant symbol of the Easter Story in them. Once found, we listen to part of the Easter Story in the bible and then try to guess which symbol is hidden in the egg.  Very engaging and interactive for the students!  Ask them about the Easter Story tonight!
Image result for images of egg hunts
We will also enjoy a fun and light-hearted chocolate egg hunt tomorrow to wrap up the week!  Each child will be allowed to search and find 10 chocolate eggs each (incase they don't make it home).

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What significance did the symbol "30 pieces of silver" have in the Easter Story in the resurrection egg?