Thursday, June 22, 2017

Image result for images of permission forms

     Ok, as I am learning how to navigate in the world of technology, I find that there is much to know...  When I uploaded the commercial videos from my Ipad to youtube, I set the settings as private so that only certain people (you the parents)  can view it.  However, in order for me to keep your child's commercial video private (so only you can see it), I need to have your email address so that I can send you the link.  Yes, it is a Youtube video, but it will only be available for YOU to see.  So, if you are interested in viewing your child's commercial, please complete the note I taped into your childs agenda on today's date.  I will send you the link once I have received it.

So, in your child's agenda, I taped a note for you to fill out.  Please fill out and I will send you the link. Thank you!


     Also, today was a HUGE success with our penpals from Oak Park!  Not only were our students excited to meet them, but they were even MORE excited to meet us!  We enjoyed lunch together on the patio and sang and played the recorder for them.  Enjoy the pictures below....unfortunately, some of the residents were unable to join us. Aside from that, we had a blast!

Coach Wilson