Friday, April 28, 2017

Happy Friday Parents and Players!
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Supplies are running out or non-existent...
Please check your child's agenda to see what supplies he/she is in need of for daily work.  It would be very helpful to me if these items could be sent to school by Monday of next week. Thank you!

  • pencils
  • red pen (many)
  • ruler
  • glue stick
  • coloured pencils
Image result for images of awards for Earth day
Student of the Month:
Congratulations to Jack and Emily who won students of the month in 2/3W for being extra diligent in caring for our Earth and environment!

Image result for images of swim to survive

Next week, TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, the grade threes will attend Swim to Survive in the afternoon at the Windsor Aquatic Centre. This program is directly linked with our Ontario Health and Physical Education Documents and as such, students will be assessed and given a mark on the ability to complete the following criteria;
                    1.   Roll into deep water
                    2.  Tread water for 1 minute
Image result for images of treading water clip art                    3.  Swim 50 metres

The final certificate will indicate one of two results:  
  • HAS achieved the Swim to Survive Standard (3 skills in a continuous sequence) or,
  • Has not met the Swim to Survive Standard
Please send your child with a 

  1. bathing suit
  2. plastic bag (for wet towel and bathing suit after changing) 
  3. large swimming towel (large enough to cover themselves with while changing).  
Students will be allowed to change at the lunch hour INTO their bathing suits in order to save time when arriving at the pool. I spoke to the grade 3s about respecting other students' privacy and their own in the change room and to change quickly and quietly so as not to waste any time.  You may want to follow up with a conversation of your own tonight with your child.

To view a video of what to expect tomorrow, check out these two links...
Swim to Survive 1

Information 2

I will attend the final Swim to Survive session to assist in assessing students as they perform the 3 skills.
It will be a lot of fun!  Promise!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the 4th number you say when counting by 6s starting at 6?

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Probability - The chance of something happening.  One can describe the chances using many different words, however, our focus are the following...

Gr. 2 - Probability 

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  • describe probability as a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur, using mathematical language (i.e., impossible, unlikely, less likely, equally likely, more likely, certain) (e.g.,“If I take a new shoe out of a box without looking, it’s equally likely that I will pick the left shoe or the right shoe.”)
  • describe the probability that an event will occur (e.g., getting heads when tossing a coin, landing on red when spinning a spinner), through investigation with simple games and probability experiments and using mathematical language (e.g., “I tossed 2 coins at the same time, to see how often I would get 2 heads. I found that getting a head and a tail was more likely than getting 2 heads.”) (Sample problem: Describe the probability of spinning red when you spin a spinner that has one half shaded yellow, one fourth shaded blue, and one fourth shaded red. Experiment with the spinner to see if the results are what you expected.).
Gr. 2 - Geometry - Movement
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  • describe the relative locations (e.g., beside, two steps to the right of ) and the movements of objects on a map (e.g.,“The path shows that he walked around the desk, down the aisle, and over to the window.”)
  • describe and represent the relative locations of objects, and represent objects on a map. 
  • draw simple maps of familiar settings, and describe the relative locations of objects on the maps (Sample problem: Draw a map of the classroom, showing the locations of the different pieces of furniture.)
  • create and describe symmetrical designs using a variety of tools (e.g., pattern blocks, tangrams, paper and pencil)
Gr. 3 - Probability 
  • describe probability as a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur, using mathematical language (i.e., impossible, unlikely, less likely, equally likely, more likely, certain)
  • predict the frequency of an outcome in a simple probability experiment or game (e.g.,“I predict that an even number will come up 5 times and an odd number will come up 5 times when I roll a number cube 10 times.”), then perform the experiment, and compare the results with the predictions, using mathematical language
  • demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of fairness in a game and relate this to the occurrence of equally likely outcomes.

Image result for images of turns flips and slidesGr. 3 - Transformational Geometry
  • describe movement from one location to another using a grid map (e.g., to get from the swings to the sandbox, move three squares to the right and two squares down)
  • identify flips, slides, and turns, through investigation using concrete materials and physical motion, and name flips, slides, and turns as reflections, translations, and rotations (e.g., a slide to the right is a translation; a turn is a rotation)
  • complete and describe designs and pictures of images that have a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line of symmetry (Sample problem: Draw the missing portion of the given butterfly on grid paper.)

Language:  We are learning about adverbs - words that describe a verb.  To find the adverb in a sentence, ask yourself these questions; How? Where? When?  We will also soon be learning about the features of announcements / invitations / menus and other media writing forms.

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the title of the fiction text I am reading to the class at the moment?  How to Get ____________

Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Monday Parents and players!

Be on the look out for a money test to review, sign and return.  Students did very well overall!

Image result for images of transformational geometryFRIDAY - Wear Yellow in support of finding a cure for cancer!

Math:  We will be learning about probability and transformational geometry over the next couple weeks. The probability unit is mostly hands on activities / games of chance with a focus on the likelihood of an event/outcome happening.

Coach Wilson

When describing pathways on a grid, one can move up, down, left or _____? 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Gr. 3 - Science:
I have asked the grade 3s to talk to you, parents, about bringing in a small baggie of soil to investigate as a launch to our new science unit on Soil.  One baggie will be enough.   All kinds of soil encouraged and leave everything in it (crawlers, twigs, bugs, etc) to make it more interesting!  Those who wish to bring in more, are welcome to do so, as long at they have permission to dig by parents!  Please send in by tomorrow so we can begin our unit!  Thank you!

Related imageGr. 2 - Science
We are beginning a unit on Air and Water which will be relatively short as we have already learned about Solids, Liquids and Gases in a previous unit.

Upcoming Math Test:

Please review tonight and tomorrow with a special focus on ...
Image result for images of canadian money
  • names of coins and bills
  • value of coins and bills
  • making money amounts up to $1.00 for Gr. 2 and up to $10.00 for Gr. 3
  • count money amounts
  • draw coins to represent certain money amounts
  • add money amounts in standard addition or by using manipulatives
  • solve word problems involving adding money amounts and making change using subtraction

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What 2 ways can fifteen cents be written?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

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This week is a short week so there will be no Reading Response or THRoW.  Instead, please spend time Monday night correcting and completing any incomplete pages in your child's math duo tang.  All pages should be completed.  Review on Wednesday and Thursday in preparation for Friday's test.

Remember to encourage your child to WEAR BLUE for Autism awareness day EVERY WEDNESDAY.

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Mrs. Wilson bought each student on her team a skipping rope for a dime each.  How much money in total did it cost Mrs. Wilson for 21 students?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dear Parents and Players,

Some students who did not complete their IN CLASS work (work that should have been completed in the given time) have some catch up work to do this weekend.  Please check your child's agenda to see if he/she is in need of completing their math work.  Thank you for your support in this!

Related imageThe students really enjoyed learning about the Easter Story through symbols.  Ask your child to retell the Easter Story to you and your family over this Easter Weekend.  I told each student to watch for these symbols during the Easter Sunday mass. Of course, the highlight of today, was likely the Chocolate Easter Egg hunt we enjoyed in the afternoon!  Each child had to seek out 10 chocolate hidden eggs each in our classroom!  It was chaos, but a lot of fun!  I am sure we will be finding left over eggs in the weeks to come!

May you all enjoy some quality family time this blessed Easter Weekend! 
See you all on TUESDAY!
Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What was in the final egg of the Easter Story?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Image result for images of canadian shield

Grade 3 Social Studies
Test on Living and Working in Ontario

Some students did not take home their Social Studies book last night for review.  I used my morning period to spend reviewing with them to make up for it. We also worked on it during Social Studies time as well. Tonight, students should be reviewing everything in their green duo tangs with a focus on the following...

  • Know what continent, country, province, land region, county, city and municipality they live in.
  • Be able to describe all three lang regions: The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Lowlands, The Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands in detail.
  • Identify what businesses and activities belong to which land region
  • Identify and describe the 6 uses of land in Ontario and give examples of each
  • Name three things you learned using Google Slides Ex. How to import images, import picgifs, change background colour, change fonts of text, add text boxes for text, how to share with teacher, commenting)
  • Levelled Question (means needs a lot of detail) "  Which land region would you like to live in one day?".  Students should select one, write about the jobs they could find there, what they could do there for recreation, places they could go, etc.

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We have been learning about the Easter Story in a fun and interactive way this week.  Each day, we link up with a partner and search for 4 hidden plastic eggs  in our classroom that each contain a significant symbol of the Easter Story in them. Once found, we listen to part of the Easter Story in the bible and then try to guess which symbol is hidden in the egg.  Very engaging and interactive for the students!  Ask them about the Easter Story tonight!
Image result for images of egg hunts
We will also enjoy a fun and light-hearted chocolate egg hunt tomorrow to wrap up the week!  Each child will be allowed to search and find 10 chocolate eggs each (incase they don't make it home).

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What significance did the symbol "30 pieces of silver" have in the Easter Story in the resurrection egg?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Image result for image sof holy weekGood Morning Players and Parents!

This SHORT's what to expect...
Image result for images of holy week
Social Studies:

  • Gr. 2 - Country Study Google Slides presentation replaced the usual end-of-the-unit test.  
  • Gr. 3 - Living and Working in Ontario test will be on Thursday.  This mark will be combined with Google Slide presentation for an overall grade.

Monday - Reading Response
Tuesday - Gr. 3 - Review Social Studies
Wednesday -  Gr. 3 - Review Social Studies
Thursday - RR due, WOW test, Gr. 3 - Social Studies test

Monday next week, we will be reviewing and finishing our unit on Money and having our test on Tuesday.  Please encourage your child to count change whenever possible by first sorting the coins from largest value to smallest, then counting in that order.  Grouping is also very helpful.  Ask your child about this...

Image result for images of canadian coinsCoach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What it the total value of 3 quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels?  

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Teacher graphicsTime to celebrate!   I am very proud to say that most students did VERY WELL on their multiplication and division math test yesterday!  Parents, please sign and return your child's test.

Image result for images of grade twoReminder:  Tomorrow, Grade 3s travel to St. Clair College for a Dental Health Program.  Good luck!  (Grade 2s, you will be stuck here at the school with Lil' O'l me!!  Yay!  Some quality grade two time!)

3d smileys graphicsCoach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name of the sail boat on the Canadian dime?

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Hello Everyone!

Money graphics
MATH:  Yesterday, we had a really thorough review of multiplication and division and with your review at home over the weekend and last night, we should be good to go today on our test!  Our next juicy unit is on MONEY!!  Looking forward to developing your child's concepts of the value of money and how to count it correctly, make change, etc.

Language:  This week's quiz in language will be focused on nouns/adjectives/verbs/plurals.  Be on the lookout for your child's yellow duo tang for review.

Image result for images of drama
Drama:  Soon we will be rehearsing for our upcoming class play 'Homophone Hubbub".  Ask your child what this is all about!

Music:  Please remind your child to keep their recorders in their backpacks so that they will always be ready to play.
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Visual Arts:  We will be taking a closer look at how to create texture in our art work.

Social Studies:  We continue to enjoy google slide presentations from both grades on Country Study and Land Regions of Ontario.  Parents, after your child presents, please sign and return rubric in their green social studies duo tang.
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That's all for now,

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  How are these fact family numbers related?  3, 5, 15

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