Thank you parents for signing the agendas so diligently! I appreciate the attention to your child's success, thank you!
This week, parents, please sign your child's Reading Response next to my assessment / grade and comments. I want to make sure parents are SEEING what students are submitting to me as completed.
Math Tests: Coming home tonight are the math tests from last week. I'm sorry it took me a couple of days to get them back to you. Some of the achievements are quite low. Please look over your child's test with them and make necessary corrections where needed. Fortunately, there will be two more sections to factor in for their overall Number Sense mark for the report card. For those who failed (received a mark of 'R') the retest will be on Friday. Please review nightly with your child.
There will not be a new Poem this week, as the grade 2/3s are busy writing their OWN authentic poems! So, that being said, we will also bypass the Great Poetry Race over the March break as well. So, no poetry will be sent home the upcoming weekend.
Coach Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Who won the Great Poetry Race today for reading "I Often Contradict Myself" so well and with expression and fluency?