Monday, December 12, 2016

Image result for images of happy mondayHappy Monday Parents and Players...

This week...

Image result for images of homeworkPlease check your child's agenda for the daily homework that will be coming home.  Some nights, students may not have ANY, however, check to make sure... Also, be aware the it is CRITICAL that your child practise his/her recorder EVERY NIGHT for 10 minutes if we wish to perform Jingle Bells at our Christmas Walk Through Tuesday, December 20th.

Christmas Walk-Through - Tuesday, December 20th from 5:30 until 7:30 St. Christopher will host a Christmas walk through.  As a special treat, team players in 2/3W will be performing Jingle Bells on the recorder for parents to enjoy.  Our short performance will start promptly at 6:00 pm in our classroom.  It should take approximately 10 minutes!  We have been working really hard to fit in all those difficult notes on the recorder as I am SURE you have heard each night as they practise!

Image result for images of parents helping with homeworkHELP NEEDED!  Parents, some students require additional support at home to master essential math concepts on reading a calendar, telling time and reading temperature.  Please assist your child if their score on this last test showed signs of struggle.  I will be sending home additional math practise that must be worked on this week.  I will do a small group instruction for those in need this week, however, please spend 15-20 minutes EVERY NIGHT reviewing this week.  I do not always have enough class time to give the much needed one-to-one assistance that some students require to master these concepts.  If your child received an R, there will be retest provided this Friday.   I will be sending home the rest of the tests tomorrow.

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is 5 x 5?