Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy Monday Parents and Players!

This SHORT week here is what is going on...

Image result for images of progress reports school clip art
MONDAY - Please look over and sign your child's PROGRESS REPORT.  Pay particular attention to the learning skills, as these are the most important areas in developing successful life-long learners with excellent work habits.  Any parent wishing to come in this week on Wednesday evening for Parent - Teacher Interviews, please feel free to show up anytime between 4:00 pm until 6:45 pm.  Interviews, as we are told, will be done on a first come, first serve basis.  A sign up sheet will be located on a desk outside my door.

HOMEWORK:  As this is another short week, there will be no THROW.  However, there is a math test on Wednesday, and students are expected to review for 20 minutes a night on Monday and Tuesday.  Also, keep in mind there is always reading books from their book pouches. Please check your child's agenda daily to see what is assigned for that night.  Thank you to those parents who diligently sign their child's agenda on a daily basis!  This makes for excellent communication between home and school!

Image result for images of reminders
FIELD TRIP:  Thursday, this week, we will be spending the day at John R. Park.  PLEASE DRESS YOUR CHILD WARMLY!  We will be outside for the majority of the day.  I had a handful of students who did not come to school properly dressed on our first field trip to the Apple Orchard, so please, overdressing is better than under dressing.
Reminder:  Send your child to school that day with a disposable lunch clearly marked with your child's name and class (ex. 2/3W).

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What is the name of our S.O.W.?