Sunday, November 27, 2016

Image result for images of happy mondayDear Parents and Players,

Happy Monday!

HOMEWORK:   THRoW - this week, the homework will be focused on supporting our Writer's Workshop on  writing paragraphs. Students will be given a topic sentence and they will have to add 3-4 detail sentences and a closing sentence to complete the paragraph.

Image result for images of graphic organizer websAll students must first brainstorm ideas using a web. Then, they select their strongest 3-4 details and write a paragraph.  They can use half the page for the brainstorming web and the bottom half to write their paragraph.

Here is an example of a Stoplight Paragraph.  The green represents the topic sentence.  The yellow highlights 3-4 detail sentences that each support the topic sentence.  And finally, the red represents the closing sentence that wraps up or closes the paragraph.

Image result for images of stoplight paragraph      This weekend has been one of the busiest weekends in a long time!  First, Friday night I hockey practice right after school, so I didn't really get a chance to relax.  We didn't return home until late because we ended up going out for dinner afterwards.  Then, on Saturday, I helped my dad rake all the leaves in our front and back yard! Finally, on Sunday we celebrated my Grandma's 82nd birthday with cake and ice cream. Even though this weekend was super packed, I still enjoyed it, especially the ice cream part!

Each students is asked to use a ruler and underline the three parts of their paragraph using the appropriate colours. 
Green - topic sentence
Yellow - detail sentences
Red - closing sentence

All THRoWs will be due Friday.  Please refer to the modeled paragraph that will be glued into your child's THRoW.  Follow that format exactly.  Encourage your child to use specific word choice and edit AND revise their writing using the checklists glued at the back of their THRoW book.  Sequencing words are also helpful; First, Then, Next, Last.  Happy Writing!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What character trait best describes someone who doesn't give up until they reach their goals?  Or someone who keeps trying until they are successful?