Thursday, June 29, 2017

One Final Message

Dear Parents and Players,

What a terrific ending to a great day!  Thank you to all of the parents who sent in amazing food items for us to enjoy on our last day as Team Wilson! I also want to say thank you to the many gifts and flowers and homemade cards with touching messages in it!  I was very flattered and very touched by your kindness and generosity!  Thank you...

Now for a few things to end the year....

You will need to unsubscribe to this blog so that you will no longer receive notifications.  Just click on the follow by email and unsubscribe.  It's that easy... Much easier than trying to view your child's commerical!  I apologize for the trouble some of you experienced trying to view it. I am not sure what went wrong...I guess it's back to the drawing board for me....

I'll leave you all with a few fun pics we snapped during our Team luncheon....again, thank you for trusting your child to me this was a great year and I will always remember this amazing group of kids!  Have a great summer and enjoy your family time!

Signing off, one last time....

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What was the name of the BEST TEAM EVER? (TEAM WILSON!!)  

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Image result for images of potluckGreat day had by all today on FUN DAY!

Wednesday - Last day to sign up for potluck items to bring for Thursday.  So far, we have 9 students who are bringing in food.  Please write your item in your child's agenda and I will add it to our list tomorrow.  Thank you very much parents for taking the time to do this!

Image result for images of back packsThursday - Please send  your child to school with his/her backpack and possibly an extra plastic bag for other items that will be sent  home (indoor shoes, ear phones, school work, projects).

Image result for images of back packsReport Cards:  Anyone who has yet to return the bottom portion of the report card signed, please do so tomorrow.  Thank you.

Coach Wilson

Monday, June 26, 2017

Image result for images of fun day outside clip artReminder -  Tomorrow is FUN DAY!

Come wearing sun block, hat, extra water, outdoor clothing, snacks. Pizza will be provided for students at lunch!  Yummy!

Coach Wilson
Image result for images of last week of schoolGreat start to our FINAL WEEK!

Ok, this Thursday, our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, and our team has decided to celebrate our amazing year together by having a pot luck lunch!  I will be ordering a medium sized pasta to help with the hot plates.  Please sign up in your child's agenda with something that you can bring.  If you are stressing out over cooking (like I would be), you can sign up to bring plastic cuttlery, plates, cups, or anything else that  doesn't require cooking (chips / desserts).  I will only be counting on pot luck dishes that you have signed up for in your child's agenda (yes, it's important to bring the agenda until I see your sign up).  Your children are offering ALL KINDS of foods, but I told them to talk it over with you first and see if you agree to sign up for that in the

Image result for images of cd giftsAlso, as a momento of this incredible year, I made each student their own copy of our Songs of the Week on a CD.   Be on the lookout for it tonight! Students decorated the front cover and I added a personal message to each team player on the inside cover.  I hope you enjoy the memories these songs bring to life whenever you listen to it!  Thank you for a terrific year, this really was a cake walk with your wonderful children!
Image result for images of report cards

REPORT CARDS:  Coming home tonight!  I told students not to open it until you have a chance to look at it.  Please take some time to sign and return the bottom portion only by tomorrow.  I am very pleased with the progress many students have made this year!  Please check off the box that indicates whether you need to meet or not over this report card.  You can keep the envelopes, I only need the bottom portion signed.  Any student who returns it tomorrow will receive 3 FREE BLOG DRAW TICKETS!! Thank you!

Image result for images of commercials clip artBy the way, I am looking for feedback on whether or not the commercial projects were able to be viewed with your email link.  Please take a minute and let me know if you were or were not able to view it.  They were really cute!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  (Worth 5 blog tickets!!!)
What special event is taking place TONIGHT down by the river?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Image result for images of permission forms

     Ok, as I am learning how to navigate in the world of technology, I find that there is much to know...  When I uploaded the commercial videos from my Ipad to youtube, I set the settings as private so that only certain people (you the parents)  can view it.  However, in order for me to keep your child's commercial video private (so only you can see it), I need to have your email address so that I can send you the link.  Yes, it is a Youtube video, but it will only be available for YOU to see.  So, if you are interested in viewing your child's commercial, please complete the note I taped into your childs agenda on today's date.  I will send you the link once I have received it.

So, in your child's agenda, I taped a note for you to fill out.  Please fill out and I will send you the link. Thank you!


     Also, today was a HUGE success with our penpals from Oak Park!  Not only were our students excited to meet them, but they were even MORE excited to meet us!  We enjoyed lunch together on the patio and sang and played the recorder for them.  Enjoy the pictures below....unfortunately, some of the residents were unable to join us. Aside from that, we had a blast!

Coach Wilson

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Image result for images of reminders
Tomorrow we walk over to Oak Park Terrace Retirement Residence to finally meet our pen pals!  Students are asked to come dressed in weather appropriate for rain because we are walking rain or shine!  We leave school around 11:15 and will return around 2:00 pm.  Students have decorated pots and will be planting a flower in each as a 'nice to meet you' gift.  We are very excited to spend time with our pen pals.  2/3W will be performing a few songs on the recorder and 3F will be singing a song.  Lunch will be provided.  Wish us luck!

Students Must Bring...

  1. Umbrella or some sort of protection from rain to wear on walk over
  2. Shoes comfortable for the walk
  3. Recorder
  4. Music Book
  5. Regular morning and afternoon snacks and a drink

Coach Wilson

Commercial Videos

Image result for images of tv clip artHave I got a treat for you!  Check out the awesome commercials below as part of our Media Literacy project!  Students learned a lot from this experience and the importance of speaking loudly, clearly, using expression, voice and body to make an exciting commercial!  Click on the name of the student (not the picture) who you wish to see. See if they convinced YOU to buy their product!
Coach Wilson

Jocelyn's Commercial

Lea's Commercial

Jack's Commercial

Luke's Commercial

Roan's Commercial

Alexis' Commercial

Linh's Commercial

Zienna's Commercial

Wilson's Commercial

Avery's Commercial

Daniela's Commercial

Vanessa's Commercial

Bryce's Commercial

Emily's Commercial

Shaianne's Commercial

Harmonie's Commercial
(No poster)

Adrianna's Commercial

Liko's Commercial

Christian's Commercial

Talia's Commercial

Bella's Commercial