Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Welcome back to the second half of our amazing year!  I hope you all had a chance to relax and enjoy some good quality family time over these past two weeks!  Sorry, it took me an extra day to get this blog up and running again, it seems I'm a little sluggish to get back into the regular routine!

This week....

Homework will be assigned on a daily basis and will likely be in Math or Science.  Please check the pages in Math or Science duo tangs marked with H.W. in pen at the top to know which pages your child should be completing for the following day.

Math test Friday - we will be wrapping up our unit on Data Management.  Focus on ...

Gr. 2 - Expected to be able to come up with a survey question, ask ten students in the class, collect the data on a chart, record the data using tally marks, create a bar graph, enter the data into the bar graph, correctly label the bar graph, and interpret the data in a variety of ways.

Gr. 3 - Is expected to be able to do the above as well as identify the MODE of a set of data (the number which appears most often), answer multiple choice questions about pictographs and bar graphs, compare date on graphs, and interpret the data in a variety of ways.

Also, as you noticed, we have switched from Song of the Week to Poem of the Week.  Be on the look out for the Great Poetry Challenge this weekend where students will be asked to read the poem of the week to as many people as possible.  The top three people who read the poem the most times will be selected to have a READ OFF in front of the class.  Then, our class will vote which student read the poem the best based on specific criteria (expression, time, pace, volume, eye contact, and use of body).  Winners will be treated to choose a prize from my prize box.  All readings must be signed by an adult to verify.  Happy reading!

That is enough for now...I want this to get to you as soon as possible!

Until later,
Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  What do we call a group of words in a poem separated by a space?