Monday, October 17, 2016

Dear Parents,
             Here is a short video of the school mass that Team Wilson and Team Ferrato put on last Friday.  Students did an excellent job in all areas of the mass!
                    Click on ... October School Mass and enjoy!
Thank you to Mr. Giannetti for taking the photos during mass and creating this beautiful video!

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Math tests will be coming home tomorrow, as I still have a few students who were absent and need to complete the test.  Overall, for their first math test on a very large unit, students did fairly well.  However, many students are in need of daily number sense review of basic addition and subtraction skills.

What can YOU do to support your child?
  • encourage daily mental math in everyday activities  Ex.  When shopping, ask your child to estimate the cost of two items $18.99 and $4.99 Think:  18.99 is close to 19, and 4.99 is close to 5, so 19 + 5 is about 24.
  • Mute the TV during commercials and practice doubles addition, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, and for those who are ready 3s, 4s, and grouping for double digit addition (22 + 31, think 20 + 30 is 50 and 2 + 1 is 3, so 22+31=53)
  • Ask your child to round to the nearest 10 (gr. 2), 100 (gr. 3)
Please go over your child's test with him/her and sign and return it to school tomorrow.

Language Quiz:  Students will be given a quiz on Friday on writing lists as well as a little review on sentences.

Thiessen Orchards Logo
FIELD TRIP:  Our class will be joining Mrs. DeCarolis' class on a field trip to Thiessen's Orchard on Wednesday, October 26th, 2016.  Parents are welcome to come and assist in supervision.  There will be room on the bus for parents.  Focus will be life cycles of plants, procedural writing, and a good time!  Permission forms are coming home tonight.  Please return signed with $8.00.
Image result for writing tests images clip art
Coach Wilson

I'm off to go marking a few more tests that were completed today!

SECRET QUESTION:  What is one feature of non-fiction texts?