Monday, February 06, 2017

Good Morning one and all!

This week, we are very busy reviewing and wrapping up a couple of units in Math and will not be a Reading Response this week.  Instead, please use this time to REVIEW with your child.

Image result for images of science
Gr. 3 - There will be a unit test in Science on Thursday that will be on all four of the forces learned to date; forces in general, muscular force, force of friction, force of gravity and the force of erosion.  Initially, I told the students that I would use the marks from each of their quizzes as their final mark, however, many students did not do very well on them.  So, I am strongly encouraging you the parents to ensure that your child spend at least 20 minutes a night reviewing all of their quizzes and the notes from their Science duo tang in preparation for this unit test.  Typically in the past, students did quite well on the quizzes because all of the information was on the review sheet.  This year, I am finding that students are simply not putting in the time needed to succeed.  Please feel free to assist.  I will average out the results from all four quizzes and the unit test for a final grade in Science.

Gr. 2 - Grade 2s final unit test on Solids and Liquids will be on Thursday as well.  Please review each night from their green Science duo tangs.

Our unit test on 3D solids will be on Wednesday. Please go over errors in blue duo tangs tonight and Tuesday.
Gr. 2s should be able to ...

  • identify and name all 3D shapes;  cones, cubes, prisms (rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, pentagonal), pyramids (rectangular-based, triangular-based, pentagonal-based, hexagonal-based), cylinder, sphere
  • sort 3D solids according to certain attributes (solids that roll, slide, roll and slide, stack, # of vertices, # of edges, # of faces)
  • describe differences and similarities between two solids

Gr. 3s should be able to...

  • identify and name all 3D shapes;  cones, cubes, prisms (rectangular, triangular, hexagonal, pentagonal), pyramids (rectangular-based, triangular-based, pentagonal-based, hexagonal-based), cylinder, sphere
  • sort 3D solids according to certain attributes (solids that roll, slide, roll and slide, stack, # of vertices, # of edges, # of faces, shapes of the faces, congruent faces)
  • describe differences and similarities between two solids
  • match the net of a solid to the actual solid
  • create nets of solids
  • describe the shape of faces and whether or not they are congruent
Image result for images of teacher interviews
Thursday, February 9th - 4:00pm - 7:00 pm.  I am sending home your child's report card today. Please look it over and if you have any questions or concerns or simply just want to talk in person, please return the white sheet filled out and I will do my best to accommodate your time preference.  You can return the bottom portion of the report card signed as well in the envelope.  Please DO NOT LICK the envelope, as I will use it again for Term 2.  Thank you!  I will then write down our interview time in your child's agenda. Please sign and confirm so that I know you will be coming.
To recap...
  1. Cut off, sign and return bottom portion of the report card.  
  2. Fill out white interview sheet
  3. Place both white interview sheet and bottom portion of report card into envelope but DO NOT LICK shut
  4. Wait for confirmation of a meeting time in your child's agenda and initial if time works for you.
I look forward to seeing some of you on Thursday night between 4 pm and 7 pm!

Image result for images of 3d solidsThat's all for now!

Coach Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  I have 1 curved surface and 1 flat surface. I can roll and stack when placed on top.  What am I?